Dr Jennifer Erin Camulli
About Dr Jennifer
Dr Jennifer Erin Camulli, Director of Right2Achieve, a consultancy based in Dubai, UAE that focuses on full inclusion of People of Determination (official term used in the UAE for people with disabilities or special needs) in all facets of life: school, community, and workplace. She is Principal Consultant to Twinkle Intervention Centre in Singapore and is a frequent workshop/conference presenter around Asia. meeting Yu Heng and reviewing his artworks sparked an intense interest in savant syndrome and an earnest desire to find meaningful ways to bring their talent to the world's attention.
Praises for Yu Heng's artwork
" If art is the intimate and intentional expression or communication of an artist and his unique perspective, then Yu Heng's art speaks to us in the most personal, delicate and profound ways. His unique obsession with ants is beautifully manipulated in a series of thousands of soft, hard, light, dark, long and short ant images that collectively merge to represent a stunning portrait or picture. That he can use this manipulation to respect and honour the various dimensions of the intended pictures is indeed unique and rare. The talent of this young autistic savant artist is remarkable and to be appreciated for its unusual but perfect marriage of simplicity and complexity."
Dr Xie Guo Hui
About Dr Xie Guo Hui
Dr Xie Guo Hui, who used to be a mainstream school teacher, a specialist teacher and a reading specialist, has been an educational therapist and clinical trainer/supervisor since 1998 and works with children and youth with special needs. He worked as a free-lance therapist/ trainer with several learning & behavioral intervention centers and training centers before he became consultant educational therapist at the Center for Exceptional Children between 2003 and 2007. He is also a writer of children's stories, short stories and poems.
Such is a rare talent.....
"Yu Heng has a unique way of drawing portraits of people, pictures of things and animals and also of picturesquely places like A Formosa in Malacca with hundred and thousands of tiny ants that you won't really notice until you take a closer look! Such is a rare talent.....an autistic savant with a truly peculiar perspective to express what he sees."
Dr Lim Boon Hock
About Dr Lim Boon Hock
Dr Lim , a Special Education Consultant in private practice, is a certified special needs educational therapist and dialogic-diagnostic arts therapist with the International Association of Counsellors and Therapists ( IACT , USA ). He is also the founding leader of the IACT-Malacca Chapter. He has been actively involved in special needs education for more than twenty years, often as an invited speaker and presenter at national and international conferences and seminars. He runs a special needs consultancy providing support for families with children with special needs through such services as initial screening of children, youths and adults suspected of disabilities and disorders; psycho-educational and behavioural assessments of children and young adults for developmental disabilities; learning difficulties; emotional and behavioural difficulties. Dr Lim also conducts parent support training programs, student behaviour management, and professional development and training for teachers, educational therapists and post-graduate students. Dr Lim is currently a Visiting Professor to the University of St Joseph, Macau, and is an invited keynote speaker at the upcoming Macau Inclusion Conference scheduled for April 16-17, 2018.
"Awe-inspiring.... and mysterious"
"Yu Heng's drawings confront commonly held perception about ability and disability. How a human soul could be endowed with an innate capacity and talent to produce such works of art is awe-inspiring.... and mysterious at the same time!"